ImagineNations Services

ImagineNations Services

ImagineNations Services are a significant mobilization of knowledge, innovation and cutting edge resources for youth entrepreneurship and employment. With its customized knowledge base and globally relevant training expertise, ImagineNations' training and consulting cadre addresses a range of content areas focused on youth entrepreneurship, building large scale youth employment systems, job creation and development finance for youth.

Beginning with learning partners in various countries, ImagineNations is facilitating a south-to-south capacity-building cooperation effort. It draws on the systems, training curriculum and staff of these and other world-class learning partners to provide consultancy, training services and curriculum resources to other developing countries. In addition, ImagineNations also draws on a global network of other highly skilled practitioners, experts and resources from a variety of international development organizations and country-specific indigenous organizations.

All trainers and consultants participating in ImagineNations Services are certified by ImagineNations to ensure specific content expertise and quality of service. It offers a much needed resource to governments, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors, banks, private sector companies, international development organizations and country-specific youth entrepreneurship and employment training organizations.

For more information, please contact Stefanie Harrington.